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Advent With WillPowders Time to Take Stock(ings - Christmas ones!)

Advent With WillPowders Time to Take Stock(ings - Christmas ones!)

It’s fab to take stock.  Come December, we start taking a look back at the year, doing a bit of the old compare and contrast.  

We’ve put together a little advent calendar for you - whether it’s you after being a WillPowders Convert or whether you’re WillPowders Curious

If you’ve been WillPowdering for a while, you’ve probably chalked up some very nice little markers that show you’re on your wellness way.  You’ve probably also met some surprising pit stops on the road.  You aren’t who you were.  Time to take a WillPowders celebratory and, at times, tongue in cheek or just plain cheeky, look at how life changes when you take your WillPowders Way.  Add up how many you recognise yourself in and let us know!  Challenge yourself to see if this could be a future you!

The First:  The Frosty Window

You began all this because you knew you were in there somewhere but looking in the mirror was like trying to look through a frosted window.  Yup - total lack of clarity.  You got occasional glimpses of you, buried under the pile of laundry or a puddle of kids or while busy at the job you thought you’d never do but ended up doing anyway, somehow.  Somewhere within, though, you were singing softly, a siren’s song, from under the hormones which seemed to rule you.  Something told you that You on Your Best Days was yearning to burst through - like the glamorous goddess hidden in the oversized cardboard cake.  Surprise!  Ain’t life good when the real us nudges us back towards ourselves?

Follow the Star:  Trust the sparkle is in there and help it shine.

The Second: Santa’s Gift For Your Tummy

Getting your guts back made all the difference.  You made friends with glycine which meant that you could feel the benefits of its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.  It also helped promote collagen synthesis which seemed to help your intestinal wall.  Plus, all that glycine had the ability to help your gut to secrete a hormone that reduced your glucose levels.  Then it seemed that, because your tummy felt good, along came the return of your gut instincts.  You could begin to tell the difference between anxiety and gut instinct.  Decision making with the help of your body started to make sense.   You found you generally got more gutsy.  Good for you!

Follow the Star: Now you’re dedicated to our 5 star rated, award winning collagen peptides because of its glycine content.  

The Third: Christmas Punning, Sorry, Pudding

Whereas the rest of the well-being industry brought you hand-wringing worthy wellness with voices as washed of wit as a wet Wednesday (ok, so that’s alliteration, but you get the idea - we pour over our words, handpicking each one for you so our stuff is great to read), you finally found you’d met a gang of wellness realists who can’t resist a pun!  Your Friday newsletters lifted your glide into the weekend into a soar.  At least once they’ve made you spray the big gulp of tea (with collagen, obvs) you’d just taken across the room in hilarity.   You realised we always give a well-timed f*ck, as long as the frisky spam fritters, sorry, filters, let us!  You’ve felt loved and known as a customer.  You were.  You are.  You will be.  It’s been puntastic.  And so, you’re glad you took a pun(t) on us.  

Follow the Star: Get yourself a date each Friday with our newsletters.

The Fourth:  An Angel With a Lamb With a Halo (Yeah, right!)

You came to realise WillPowders didn’t need you to be an angel, or to get it ‘right’, or to berate yourself if you think you got it ‘wrong’.  You came to realise that respecting your humanness is what makes you, well, you!  And WillPowders stood with you while you let yourself be fragile when you needed to be.  Then you started to get respect for a very ancient legacy of people - your ancestors - who got you here through eating what their genetic make up was designed to eat - food from nature.  They were a bunch of warrior women, for sure!  They didn’t live with sugary, trans fat factory food.  They didn’t live on extruded potato starch snacks with some chemical flavour in a colour not known to nature sprinkled on.   Suddenly, the bubble burst and you thought, what the hell am I really putting in my mouth?  You realised, with self-compassion, which felt quite nice, really, given that the media has mostly encouraged you to feel plenty self-hatred, that you didn’t want to stick those things in your body either but to stand with the line of warriors you came from.   You wanted to fill up on good fats and grass fed proteins and you came to love your veggies too! Nowadays, things in the confectionery stand look like the sort of plastic toy food children play pretend with.  

Follow the Star:  Ditch the idea of being an angel.  Adopt the mantle of warrior woman.  Make friends with food from good earth and grass fed animals.  Grrr!


The WillPowders Rewards Club.

The Fifth:  Sparkles and Dazzle

That’s right - before you knew it, you loved having spots before your eyes!  Gone were Ye Olde Apothecary Jars of Yore, with their depressing brown and worthy green bottles that you hid away in shame at the back of your most secret cupboard.  In came artwork as stylishly fancy pants and more covetable than Damien Hirst’s Pharmacy wallpaper or Spots.   All those large powdered WillPowders dots in all the colours of the ombre rainbow, quite frankly, looked so fab in your kitchen that there was no need to hide your WillPowders Way!  The products became part of the decor; a conversation starter.  Now, those cheery packets adorn your worktop and you wouldn’t have it any other way.  It’s like they even help your cells remember who you are.  In your more sentimental moments, you’ve come to consider the WillPowder dots the Circles of Life!

Follow the Star:  Get yourself a Pantone colour chart and start coordinating your interior design to match the spots.  We love the newest Himalayan blues of Brilliance Broth - so very 2025!

The Sixth:  A Christmas School Room 

You realise what you’ve given yourself is an education.  You’ve debunked low fat, high carb and dodgy fats that only serve Big Food in making bigger profits.   Now local milk (raw when you can source it) and butchers get your vote.  Crop shares are the new you!  Suddenly, you found yourself saying hello to the locals!  You’ve read the blogs, hacked your body’s natural abilities and soaked up the science that WillPowders sift through and helpfully summarise for you - because you’re working away being a full time everything.  You realise outsourcing the research to WillPowders works for you.  

Follow the Star:  You can always start with the WillPowders Health Quiz!

The Seventh:  All the Tiny Stars in the Heavens

You learned to ditch goals because they miss the point - you got downhearted when you didn’t reach them quickly enough or you reached them and that ushered in empty feelings of so now what?  Instead, you learned Atomic Habits [*] and made the small changes that your nervous system could sustain every day over a long time and got incrementally more slick at your WillPowders Way.  You learned to work with Old Father Time.   The old ways faded naturally into the distance and you waved a cheery goodbye to them, relatively angst free!  Time has become more BC - Before Collagen and AD - ‘Allo Davinia!   

Follow the Star:  Literally, follow our star @daviniataylor and watch her cuddling the collagen cattle.  

The Eighth:  Christmas Low Hanging Baubles or The Nutcracker

That’s right - you grew some balls.  Ok, so not really, but a) with the help of shilajit, you got your testosterone zing back and, b) with all that new knowledge and all those increasingly entrenched wellness habits, you got ballsier in the way you approached life.  You started quizzing your local bar about why they had no soft drinks that didn’t have sugar or sweeteners in them, unless it was overpriced fizzy water.  You wished they did ElectroTide on draft and so you thought, balls to it, and started slipping a sachet into your handbag, ordering a water and mixing your own.  You felt, sorry, not sorry - because it’s hard to feel sorry for a slug or a lettuce that ignores the gap in the market, after all.  

Follow the Star:  Don’t ask your body to put up with artificial sweeteners or free sugars in drinks and challenge the market that tries to push them on you to come up with better like we did.  

The Ninth:   Driving Home for Christmas

You realised that you could forget all about trying to find the Yellow Brick Road to a False Wizard.  Over the years, that pursuit had cost you a fortune.   And you suspected it was all a ruse, anyway.  There’s no turning back once a product does what it says on the tin and helps you curb cravings, get the inside out glow and get your focus back.  The WillPowders Way taught you to eat close to nature, to Energise, Hydrate and Nourish with tools that don’t stress you out or leave you feeling disappointed.  Suddenly, it felt like you’d found your tribe and realised that WillPowders was home.  

Follow the Star:  Downshift working it all out and just get the Beginner Bundle or the Stash Tin.  Job’s a good ‘un!

The Tenth:  Peace on Earth, Goodwill to All Men (FFS)

Once you’d found your home, you realised that you also loved the virtual neighbours.  The FFS Facebook group became  a place of honesty and sanctuary for when you’d smashed it, pondered it, questioned it, loved it or you needed to know which sourdough’s the best in the supermarket nearest to you or what rare clean eat was on special offer.  Or, you’d simply fallen off the wagon and wanted to get back on the WillPowders Donkey, Wonder.  (Nah, we don’t really have a donkey called Wonder but, it is nearly Christmas, and we do listen to customer feedback, which is the reason we now stock Chocolate Orange Protein Powder all year round for you, so, you never know …).   Not only did you benefit from the experiences of others, you realised you had your very own relevant savvy wisdoms to offer.  Your compassion practice reached new heights.  You began to think of yourself as an Elder of the Virtual Village, only in way better fettle than those Elders of Yore and you gave thanks to collagen and creatine

Follow the Star: The time is now.  Say hello and get a virtual community hug at FFS Facebook group.  

The Eleventh:  Festive Glasses

You came to realise that you needed a good pair of reading glasses more than you needed wine glasses!  You started reading the small print on food labels and became a little alarmed at what lurked within.  And, for a little, read a hell of a lot.  Anything with an -ose became something that you put back on the shelf.  Anything with an ‘E’ followed by a number got ejected from your house.  You weren’t prepared to play E number bingo with your health anymore.  Suddenly, your kids started calming down.  You have a feeling there’s a connection. 

Follow the Star:  Get rid of one thing from your food cupboards that’s doing you no favours.  Swap chocolate bars and biscuits for delicious Protein Powders

The Twelfth:  A Spaceman Came Travelling

All that reading of labels made you realise that you felt like an alien in a chemical world.  And it didn’t stop with food.  Suddenly a trip through bargain home stores became a trip through weird combinations of the elements of the periodic table that elicited neon coloured cleaning chemicals and nasal burning smells.  You realised there are gentler ways to clean your home and more luxuriously kind ways to make it cosy and fragrant, without the dose of petrochemicals.  

Follow the Star:  Xen up on xenoestrogens and consider whether that fabric conditioner’s cuddle is quite as friendly as it appears.  

The Thirteenth:  Carol Singers Singing From the Same Hymn Sheet

Once you knew it, you couldn’t unknow it and suddenly you started feeling like you needed to rescue your sisters and fellow man - familiar and unfamiliar - from sugar cravings!  Standing at the checkouts, you wanted to say, please don’t buy that!  It feels like genuine care for the good of humanity.  You still want to convert everyone to singing from your new hymn sheet.  You didn’t realise that you could make such a difference to the way you felt and you wanted to share.  

Follow the Star:  Make this the year when you consciously uncouple from your sugar demons with MCT Keto Creamer to crush the cravings.  Coffee never crushed it so good!

The Fourteenth: Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree

On a walk with the dog one day, you suddenly broke into a dance.   It was spontaneous.  Your body just wanted to move.  It just felt like a well of bubbling joy was moving around inside you.  It felt better than sitting down all day.  You made a mental note to join a street dance class, or, at the very least, create a disco in your kitchen once a week.  You got curious about what your body might do if you moved it about more.  

Follow the Star:  Walk the verse, jog the chorus, and if need be when you start out, avoid the songs with the double chorus ending!  They’re for the future!

The Fifteenth:  The Christmas Disco Sachet

Suddenly, you found yourself sashaying down the street with a bag full of sachets.   Yes, there was the occasional white powder disaster.  You got yourself a reputation.  Luckily, it’s a reputation for having the right tools for the job.    Brewtime became, stick a stick of collagen in it for me, will you, loveOh, and swap the milk for a keto creamer stick.  Before you knew it, you could fast until lunchtime, no sweat.  Snack attack time became Vanilla Protein Snack Size Sachet time.

Follow the Star:  Yeah, just get yourself the tin.  Nuff said. 

The Sixteenth:  A Powder Blizzard

You realised that it’s hard to see and focus when your brain feels like it’s in a snowstorm.  Rather than beating yourself up for being ‘lazy’ and thinking you lacked ‘moral fibre’ and the ability to concentrate, you realised that things like perimenopause could really mess with your mind.  Brain fog had seemed like it was here to stay.  Then you ventured into the world of nootropics and POW!  Afternoons felt like, good morning, everybody!  No more Little Miss Procrastination, you bought yourself a To Do List notepad and then you bought yourself another because the first one ran out.  Now, you’ve bought yourself a posh pen and you’re dabbling in project management apps!  The world really is your cocktail flavoured Brain Powder.  

Follow the Star:  Try Nootropics, Noo You to see what all the fuss is about.

The Seventeenth:  Chestnuts on an Open Fire and a Good Book

You realised that you developed a bit of an addiction for the more hidden truths.  And that there’s nothing wrong with that.  Thirst for knowledge is never a waste!  Cosying up with a good wellness book began to take priority over a boxset because you felt it would feed your body and soul more.  When people asked what you wanted for Christmas, you had the book wish list ready. 

Follow the Star:   Let’s start at the very beginning, it’s a very good place to start!

The Eighteenth:  The Full Christmas Spread

From disordered eating and a toxic relationship with food, you fell into full fat food amoré!  A few Big Food swaps out and WillPowders shimmies in and you and the famalam were pumped with protein and satiated with fats.  The terror of a saturated fat dissolved as quickly as coconut oil on a scorching summer’s day.  There was a whole world of combinations that you hadn’t dared to eat in years in case a fat molecule made you pile on the pounds just like you’d been led to believe.  Who were the gods and goddesses who prepared the WillPowders recipes, you wondered?  You fell in love with them as much as you fell in love again with feeling full for a long time.  

Follow the Star:  Butter your cooled down then warmed back up mash this Christmas and start feeling fuller for longer during the season of bountiful protein!

The Nineteenth:  A Toast

You remember the terror and dread of knowing you’d be parting from those familiar brands that blended fat, sugar and table salts with weird chemicals that nature never grew.  Somehow they’d become the mean girls of your food loves and it was time for you to part.  You thought you’d miss them.  How could you not?  But, then, one day, you realised, you weren’t just using gritted teeth and a white knuckle grip to swerve them, you genuinely had no interest in anything they had to offer anymore.  They were clearly vacuous when it came to nourishment.  Suddenly, you were uttering and meaning the words, No thanks!   This Christmas Season, you’ll be raising an ironic glass, To absent frenemies!

Follow the Star:  Just get the Award Winning Chocolate Star of the Nourish Awards Show and say the words, abra-ferrero, be gone!

The Twentieth:  Stuffed Stockings

The more you became a fan girl, the more you wanted to become part of the groundswell that is WillPowders.  So, when a grounding towel became part of the suite of goodies, you signed yourself up, got out into the garden with an iced glass of WillPowders Coffee and soaked up Mumma Earth’s very own natural electrical rhythms, potentially reducing inflammation and stress.  Copper, innit!  You couldn’t wait for Christmas so you were an early adopter of the disco scoop.  One whizzer wasn’t enough because you get about.  Nope, switch that.  One whizzer wasn’t enough because you couldn’t always be bothered to rinse the head.  That’s when you really knew you were in it for life!

Follow the Star:  Just submit now - it’s inevitable that you’ll want the stuff, all the stuff!

The Twenty First:  Santa’s Little Helpers

You learned that epic heroes of wellness were just a download away.  You’d got yourself the best little black book in terms of wellness.  Downloading a podcast with cutting edge experts like Tim Spector, Gary Brecka, Dr Barbara Sturm, Dr Cate Shanahan, Dave Asprey, Dr Tamsin Lewis, Pippa Campbell, Dr Ken Berry and the Glucose Goddess then listening in on the way to work became the norm.  Davinia was now your new imaginary friend and you would be nominating her for Sainthood as soon as you’d eaten your full fat yoghurt and protein powder for pudding - Thank you, Santa Davinia!  

Follow the Star:  Skin, guts, biohacking, nutrition, digital health, functional health, chronic disease and diet and all things glucose can be up close and personal with your eardrums right now.

The Twenty Second:  In the Bleak MidWinter

You came to realise that the WillPowders Team are actual people who were here to help.  If something went awry, you weren’t doing battle with a huge impersonal machine - a real life human who wanted you to have the best possible WillPowders experience was there to help get you sorted.  This must have been what the good old days that your mother spoke about were like - no fembots, turbots or manbots.  However, we do have a chatbot for your first port of call - S.O.S, should you need this to immediately help Sack Off Stress if the tits are face up.  And you can also just speak to people rooting for your wellness and getting your order to you, come hell or highwater.  

Follow the Star:  We hope you won’t have to speak to them but, if you do, your stuff is their specialism.

The Twenty Third:  Snowed In

You were wondering why you were humming ‘Hotel California’ then you realised, nevermind, ‘You can never leave!’, you realised that you wouldn’t want to!  Your loyalty was being rewarded.  You got points.  They translated beautifully into helping you get the tools you loved.  Like finding your forever home, you found you were part of the Good Fat Loyalty Club and signing up was not a disappointment, unlike so many other loyalty schemes.  From discounts to free shipping and points for your time reviewing your goodies, it was like a points giveaway!  And leaving a review for a product you love was no hardship at all.  

Follow the Star:  This one’s a doddle - just sign up!

The Twenty Fourth:  Fairies at the Top of the Trees (Gods and Goddesses, really!)

Well, well, well, no need to slim yourself down to unrealistic proportions by eating next to nothing, all while battling chronic hunger and raging anxiety to receive an embarrassing to wear acrylic sash!  Wow - now that really is wellness!  Customer Stories became your go to for motivation and inspiration and actual real life women and men with actual lives and appetites!   Here was WillPowders celebrating wellness and what that meant to individuals, rather than some preordained standard measure.  You breathed the breath of fresh approach air and thanked your lucky stars you’d found them.  

Follow the Real Stars of the Show:  Well deserved stardom is here

The Twenty Fifth:  The Picture of You!

You realised that being you is actually very most excellent!  And it’s getting better all the time.  You’re prepared for Christmas - for feasting for health rather than chronic inflammation and insulin spikes - here’s to many more in health!

Follow the Star:  Give it time - there’s snow pressure here!

Here comes the science and the wonderful wormholes of research!


Our blogs are written with love in the hope that they go some way in helping you feel like the rockstar you are, and whilst we do our due diligence, research like maniacs and fact check our stuff, we know everyone’s journey is different. They are intended to educate and empower you, not usurp medical advice. We would never advise you to stop, adjust, or modify any prescription medication without the direct supervision of your healthcare practitioner, but don’t be afraid to talk to your doctor about your new found knowledge, brought to you by the marvels of nature because they don't know everything!