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Claire has transformed her health, taking inspo from our very own Davinia. She look absolutely incredible.

Read Claire's story below...

2022 v 2024

I never thought I’d be at my slimmest and healthiest at 49.

After reading Davinia's It's Not a Diet, I started clean eating, fasting, weights and Pilates.

I made it my way of life rather than thinking of it as a diet/ health kick or anything else.

I don’t deprive myself of anything. I have wine on a Sunday, and if I eat out, I don’t even think about what I’m eating, I just enjoy it. If I feel like something ‘bad’ then I have it, I might just slot in an extra workout at some point.

I think it’s important to enjoy food and enjoy life. It’s just finding the balance. Also, this didn’t happen overnight, it’s been a process from 2022, just changing small things each weekly shop when I get new info.