Claire's Full Body Wellness results speak for themselves. She describes herself as 'changed woman' after just 4 weeks. She has lost a stone in weight, has reclaimed her energy and completely turned her health around.
With the help of MCT Keto Creamer, Collagen, Davinia's Hack Your Hormones and It's Not a Diet and the love and support of the amazing WillPowders community, Claire is out of the red and has a bright and healthy future ahead of her.
Read Claire's story below ...
4 weeks ago, I was at absolute rock bottom; my initial full body wellness results were scary! I couldn’t have been any worse but I have turned a huge corner. 4 weeks on and my retests were eye opening, such huge improvements and I am over the moon!
With just 4 weeks of guidance from the FFS group, WillPowders and my Nutritional Therapist, my life has literally changed. I’m now out of the Pre-Diabetic figures, my body is thriving with energy and vitamins, I feel like I can be kind to myself and most importantly, I have my life back! I cried when I saw the results and I could not be more grateful. I feel strong, empowered and most importantly…healthy! I'm so looking forward to seeing even better results after the next 4 weeks. I am eternally thankful for all the support and top tips, the guidance, support and learnings because my life has changed in just a month. It’s time to embrace the changes, focus on new goals and most importantly keep focused on that end game.
It all started with reading Davinia’s Hack Your Hormones book, following her and WillPowders on socials and booking in with my local Nutrition Therapist. I then read the It's Not A Diet which really gave me the knowledge I needed to be kind to myself. Following the grounding and cold-water therapy, plus breathing techniques started my journey off. I now use WillPowders MCT Keto Creamer and the Collagen and now I have the MCT Oil to progress on to.
My starting test results were a sorry state of affairs and showed double the amount of salt in my urine than the ocean! After 4 weeks, you can see my stress and anxiety levels are so much lower, I feel energised, happier and completely out of the rut. I’ve struggled with my weight for such a long time and since the Perimenopause hit, I literally reached a stalemate. I’ve now lost over a stone in 4 weeks, my skin is so much brighter, I am not sluggish and I’m a changed woman!!! I have a long way to go weight wise, BUT I'm on the right track