Rachel beamed ‘I am the happiest and healthiest I have ever been!’ as she sat down to chat. The look of glee on her face was completely infectious and I immediately connected with her story.
Rachel explained that she dropped a tonne of weight before her wedding but it immediately started to creep back on as she settled into married life. Weekly trips to fast food restaurants on the way home from work and the ease of takeaways were her go to, and whilst recognising that she had slipped into bad habits was easy, breaking them was harder.
Like many of us, Rachel tried every fad diet going but always found herself starving, exhausted and seeking sugar to boost her energy. She couldn’t understand that after eating the “right way” she felt so rubbish, and this quickly led to her falling off the wagon and reverting back to her old and harmful habits.
After reading Davinia’s, It’s Not a Diet, Rachel soon realised that she had approached her weight and health the wrong way and felt liberated because she was being told to eat and not just eat, but eat fat!
Now Rachel intermittent fasts and staves off the crave with Keto Creamer and MCT Oil, explaining that ‘it was just different this time, my cravings stopped.’ Rachel was also keen to support her gut health and religiously supplements with WillPowder’s Collagen powder, which, she explained, has completely transformed her inner wellness.
Rachel has also been inspired to take control of her alcohol intake after learning from Davinia that it takes five days for your liver to process any amount of alcohol. Whilst she doesn’t have any plans to completely cut alcohol out, it makes her feel better having Rise and Shine in her back pocket for when she does decide to have a drink.
Calm, ElectroTide and Brain Powder are her other go to supplements, supporting those caffeine jitters, aiding her sleep and giving her that natural energy boost for the gym, which she has now become a frequenter of. Rachel explained that her new found energy and levels of concentration are all down to how she supplements and how she feeds her body. Go Rachel!