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Talk about transformations! Wow! What really stands out in Zoe's story is how fuelling with good fat can not only support a weight loss journey, but your hormones too.

Read Zoe's story below ...

I’ve been over weight for the last 20 years, I’ve lost and gained weight in this time as I’ve always followed plans that aren’t sustainable and made me feel terrible!

I found WillPowders in July 23 and have never felt so good. I slowly started with the MCT Keto Creamer and collagen but soon progressed with all the other products. Lots of people commented on how good I look but more importantly how energetic and motivated I am. 

With all previous diets, I have lost weight but also lost my periods had terrible hair and skin and no energy at all.

My typical day is 16/18 hour fast followed by ElectroTide and a couple of WillPowders coffees with creamer collagen and MCT oil. I generally break my fast around 12 with eggs salmon and avocado, and then, for my evening meal, I have what the family are having; however, I have adapted most recipes to take out seed oils and basically and processed crap.

I am currently training for the London marathon and often have the Brain Powder before my long Sunday run. I’m not saint and do like an occasional drink but support this with Rise & Shine and find I’m perfectly fine the next day to go about my busy life as Mum to 5 children and Grandma to 2 grandchildren.