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Cucumber, Mint, Apple Cider Vinegar Cooler

Cucumber, Mint, Apple Cider Vinegar Cooler

Preparation Time | 5 mins

Cooking Time | 0 mins

Total Time | 5 mins

Servings | 1

By WillPowders

Cool down and hydrate with this gut loving and refreshing cucumber mocktail. Pimped with our fave Willy's apple cider vinegar, this is one way to support digestion and avoid the hangover!

Cool and CALM as a Cucumber!


  • 20 ml of Apple Cider Vinegar
  • 125ml of juiced cucumber
  • 1 tsp fresh mint leaves, chopped
  • 1//2 tsp of raw, organic honey
  • 125ml of sparkling water
  • Handful of ice
  • 1 Calm capsule


Step 1

Juice your cucumber

Step 2

Combine the apple cider vinegar, cucumber juice, chopped mint leaves, content of 1 Calm capsule and honey

Step 3

Fill a glass with ice cubes

Step 4

Pour the mocktail mixture into the glass and top up with sparkling water

Step 5

Garnish with cucumber slices or mint sprigs

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