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WillPowders Non Alcoholic Mulled Wine

WillPowders Non Alcoholic Mulled Wine

Preparation Time | 10 mins

Cooking Time | 30 mins

Total Time | 40 mins

Servings | 4

By WillPowders

Mulled wine done the WillPowders Way! Packed with sleep inducing, hormone loving and stress reducing ingredients, our Cherry Mulled Wine will see you sailing through Christmas and coming out the other end unscathed.  

Cherry juice may help improve sleep quality, as it naturally contains melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep cycles. Its powerful antioxidants, like anthocyanins, reduce inflammation, which can support joint health and ease muscle soreness. Cherry juice also has a positive impact on heart health and is packed tightly with vitamins A, C, and potassium, supporting overall wellness, helping to regulate stress hormones, promoting a balanced mood and reducing symptoms of fatigue and stress. Boom!


  • 1 litre of Cherry Juice (not from concentrate)
  • 240ml of Pomegranate Juice
  • 480ml Water
  • 1 Orange - sliced (do a little extra for a garnish)
  • 1 Lemon- sliced
  • 3-4 Cinnamon Sticks
  • 4-5 Whole Cloves
  • 2 Star Anise
  • 1 inch piece of fresh Ginger
  • 1 tsp of Vanilla Extract
  • 1-2 tbsp of Honey or Maple Syrup (optional)
  • 2 large scoops of Collagen
  • 2 large scoops of MCT Oil (optional)


Step 1

In a large pot, combine the cherry juice, pomegranate juice, and water.

Step 2

Add the sliced orange, lemon, cinnamon sticks, cloves, star anise, ginger, and vanilla.

Step 3

Heat over medium heat until it just begins to simmer, then reduce to low and let it gently simmer for 20–30 minutes to allow the flavors to infuse.

Step 4

Taste and add honey or maple syrup if you prefer a bit of sweetness.

Step 5

Strain the mulled wine to remove spices and fruit slices.

Step 6

Stir in the collagen powder and MCT Oil

Step 7

Serve warm, garnished with a slice of orange or a cinnamon stick.