Hack Your Hormones
Dose Me, WillPowders, Dose Me!
How Much MCT Oil to Lose Weight?
MCT 101: the one where we show you our workings out on how much MCT oil you can consume for weight loss. Short answers: 1) 12 - 20% of your daily weight management intake of food. 2) Or, more recently, 10-15 ml. 3) Maybe even more, short term. 4) Even one dose, say 5ml, raises energy expenditure.
Crikey, it already seems bamboozling! Let WillPowders guide you through why those particular amounts are only a starting point for you and the unfolding science.. And we’ll throw in a discussion on avoiding ‘disaster pants’ because we want to spare your blushes, we love you that much!
#nowletsgetmcteducated: the good news is …
… even a single dose of MCT oil with a range from 5g to 48g, that’s one teaspoon to around 10 teaspoons, or just over 3 tablespoons (probably best split up over the day), can increase fat oxidation for energy and/or postprandial energy expenditure, which is a fancy pants way of saying the energy it takes to process the food itself is high. But, if you do jump straight in at 48g then fancy pants could soon become disaster pants. See below, in more ways than one!
However, you'll have already spotted it may require a little trial and error finding the right MCT oil dose for you, the science is still developing, and, even then, be prepared for it to change later. But remember, some of the beauty of a C8 MCT Oil comes from the versatility to switch things up as need be. If you suddenly find you’ve lapsed into a foul mood and you have come to recognise that as one of your signs that you need a quick re-fuel, then take an approximate swig from the bottle. Better that than rummaging for a teaspoon and happening upon a garibaldi instead and shoving that in your mouth before you can say, sod it. Remember, that MCT oil can be combined with other foods, for example in dressings, or you can whip up a MCT Hummus and have your engines purring with the energy provided in no time.
Welcome to the MCT oil side
You’ve overcome your fear of fats and are ready to have a daily food intake that is rich in good fats. Even better, mind, rich in MCT fatty acids. Congratulations - it’s no mean feat to ditch the low fat, high carb ‘Eatwell’ guidance that Public Health has missold us all, the one that had us running for the hills like a screaming banshee away from fat, unless it had come from an oily fish, and even then, it was one portion a week. Sad face.
To reassure you further regarding MCT oil as one of your good fat for fuel choices, who doesn’t love a joy list?
- Taking MCT oil or powder is more beneficial on a weight loss journey than olive oil
- Taking MCT oil does not create adverse effects on metabolic risk factors, in fact, it can take you out of metabolic syndrome (see the next four bullets)
- Taking MCT oil does not pose the same risk of creating adipose tissue as LCTs
- Taking MCT oil is likely to bring blood pressure to healthy levels through aiding weight loss
- Taking MCT oil can help reduce insulin resistance
- Taking MCT oil does not raise the risks posed by ‘bad’ cholesterol; it is as heart healthy as olive oil
- MCT oil could help support long term brain and heart health due to the above properties
- We can be sure MCT is safe because it has undergone rigorous toxicology tests and come out with a very lovely clean whistle, 'The safety of human dietary consumption of MCTs, up to levels of 1g/kg, has been confirmed in several clinical trials'

Just because it's safe, doesn’t mean any old dose is right for your disco pants!
Which leads us nicely to another bit of number work regarding dosage: If Kit weighs 75kg, how many grams of MCT Oil can she safely consume in a day? Answer: 75g. Caveat: If Kit was starting out with MCT, it would probably be a struggle to consume this much!
You see, the idea of 1g/kg being safe as evidenced in clinical trials might give you a false sense of go ahead, depending on your prior acquaintance with MCT oil. But rest, assured it is safe in terms of toxicology, so breathe! Safe because it’s not going to adversely affect the metabolic health of most people, yes, (but you should speak to your medical professional if you have a liver disorder) but maybe not so pleasant as a starting point with this effective weight loss tool. This is because it is well known in MCT oil circles that disco pants can be one boogie away from ‘disaster pants’. If your tummy isn’t used to MCT oil, it can find it irritating.
MCT can also be hyperosmotic, meaning it pulls water out of the surrounding tissues very quickly and your tummy will do what it does very naturally and create a situation where it will evacuate its contents, possibly rather dramatically. If you’ve ever used a glycerin suppository, you’re familiar with the territory.
So, for Kit, and if you’re a rookie too, the whole thing is not an exact science.
The solution is to scale first intakes down to even half a teaspoon, which is about 3g, and build up from there.
Know your body by quieting down and sensing it internally. How’s it feeling in there? Unfortunately, in our busy lives, we have to be conscious about making time to do this. A few deep breaths and closing your eyes to cut out some visual stimulation at your work desk might help. Just tell your colleagues you’re trying to remember something. You are - how it feels to be in a body. It’s easy to get separated. Check in with how your GI tract is feeling as MCT oil can cause tummy upsets and bloating when you’re getting used to it. Many don’t experience this. Let your body adapt in your own time. There’s no great rush - learning about managing your body quite rightly takes the magical mystery of a lifetime, not the time it takes to take a swig of MCT, as the body’s a rolling programme of delights. Allow yourself the pleasure of slowly, slowly. We won’t rush you here at WillPowders! If your tummy begins to feel bloated or upset, dial it back again and build up slowly. Sometimes smaller doses like a quarter teaspoon taken more frequently are better to begin with. If you have the constitution of an ox, you’ll likely be good to go without further ado, but you do you! If your digestion is a little on the slow side, you might even appreciate some, um, lubricant!

For a guaranteed gentle, and delicious start, to your MCT journey try MCT powder
At WillPowders, if weight loss is the adventure you want to use MCT oil for, then you’ll probably also be leaning in to hear about how we feel about ultra-processed and chemically soused food. We shun it wherever and whenever we practically can. Additionally, if a food is steeped in bad fats that cause inflammation, and sugars that cause insulin spikes, we swerve. This means you may be crying into your last caramel cappuccino, if that is your poison. But fret not, because we’ve got you! Sensory pleasures are one of our things around here (the office sofas are a very tactile velvet!). The difference is, we do our oral pleasures very cleanly!
We put MCT oil powder in our WillPowders Protein Powder, giving it a place in a very small number of ingredients. The MCT Keto Powder with MCT powder and grass fed butter will give you the energy boost, waking up, shaking up those ketones, (the grass fed butter will also play its part here and throw in some MCT fatty acids and vitamins plus some butyrates for you large intestine, plus, who doesn’t want the velvety luxury? The bone broth powder gives you a full amino acid profile so the satiation just keeps coming. There’s only room left for some Celtic sea salt, well hello sneaky little peck of iodine and our natural, non blood sugar spiking sweetener of choice, stevia. Also, you won’t need to get bogged down in doses here. No lining up for the matron as if you were taking medicine! Just bloody enjoy and spend your time being otherwise fabulous.

If you just love a cuppa but it doesn’t fill you up, amplify your coffee or tea and make it fat.
Our Keto Creamer brings you MCT oil in powder form and grass-fed butter. They got themselves a little spray dry! How modern! Again, have a little play with them and see which puppy you’re taking home - the Travel Sachets or the big boy! Or both! Oh, the glorious excess! See how we let you loosen the grip a little on having to get things absolutely right absolutely right now?
But, MCT oil is not oil from the genie’s lamp, granting your weight wishes gratis
Sorry, but we’re not sorry. At WillPowders, as disruptors of the magic myths surrounding weight loss, we don’t hold with the ‘one (diet) and you’re done’ approach. We respect you and we’re transparent with the truth. Earlier, we suggested consuming 12 - 20% of your daily weight management intake of food as MCTs. This was suggested in a study by Marie-Pierre St. Onge and Aubrey Borsage in 2008 as a dose that produced better results for weight loss compared with the control group who were given an olive oil rich diet. In that study, the question was whether MCT oil had an adverse metabolic effect. St. Onge had previously established that diets rich in MCT oil led to better weight loss for people on weight management programmes. In both studies, the groups on the MCT rich diet lost more weight and it was speculated that this was for a range of reasons linked to MCT oil benefits such as:
- Increased satiation
- The body’s request for its next meal being delayed
- The subsequent meal being smaller
- The greater energy expenditure by the body processing the MCT oil
Now, at WillPowders we always endeavour to read the small print. When it comes to the 2008 study, the discussion does reveal some real positives, benefits and reassurances about the consumption of MCT oil for weightloss. But, even for us non-scientists, we have to say there are some pretty glaring caveats that may be glossed over in some circles (*coughs companies out of a quick buck). St. Onge’s research states that what you consume in MCT needs to be a particular proportion of your daily food intake - just above 1/10th up to 1/5th, if you want MCT to help you lose weight (which here, we do - it’s our original starting point for finding the optimum dose). Her subjects were overweight. Some had metabolic syndrome. The ones who took MCT oil no longer had metabolic syndrome at the end of the study. The numbers of subjects was not sufficient to distinguish the finer grained effects of MCT oil on gender and race. The subjects had to self-report whether they ate the study muffin (titter) and the self-reporting revealed the muffins were consumed on nine out of ten occasions.
In a blog on how much MCT or weight loss, it’s important to say that, we’ve all tried kidding ourselves with weight management in the past.
You know the score, eating in a different postcode means that calories don’t count, or eating standing up and washing any old food down with a diet cola is the exact thing we need to melt fat away! All the while knowing it’s a sure and certain way to shag your wellness and not lose weight to boot. So, we can’t treat St. Onge’s 2008 study as if the subjects didn’t spend 16 weeks on ‘calorific prescription’ which included, wait for it, the study muffin. (Have a tray of them washed and brought to my room immediately!). The study muffins (!) were either cranberry or blueberry and contained 12g of MCT, if you were in the MCT group. We weren’t able to find the rest of the recipe for study muffins (we know, it’s a loss to the world) so we can’t share the carbohydrate or calorie count. But, because the study conducted was calorie restricted to 1500 kcals for women and 1800 kcals for men, this meant the doses of MCT were 18-24g a day respectively. If you need a ready reckoner, you’re looking at 9 calories a teaspoon. From there you can work out your proportions if you are counting calories.
Additionally, those in the study also underwent a weekly group session for 16 weeks during which they were educated on areas such as stress management and healthy recipes as well as tours of the grocery store to support healthy choices. Full list of the factors that were thought to be relevant to this study’s weight loss support is in Table 1 of their work.
And this is the crunch. Utterly brilliant that for weight loss, we can use MCT as a tool that will boost good fats and help us to feel satiated and up our energy expenditure without having adverse effects on our metabolic health, but we have to remember that this group was also being counselled to make better food choices. It’s a salutary reminder that the best researcher of the MCT oil dosage for you is you. If you can eat a pain au chocolat and have no impulse to rinse and repeat an hour or two later, then MCT oil and moderate carbs might still lead to weight loss for you. For others, a brioche bun might just be the old adage of one is too much and a hundred is not enough, in which case, since the body will always take the sugar first, particularly free sugars like those in cakes and chocolate bars, and you won’t be in ketosis, ketosis being partly why we rely on C8 MCT oil in the first place. This is why MCT oil is an amazing fasting tool - when you hit that fasting wall and are about to crumble, the MCT oil gets you back on track very quickly. Its presence in general as one of the fats in the profile of fats in your diet can aid weight loss, even without fasting.

Cutting edge analysis of all the current data on MCT for weight loss suggests 10-15g
There is now so much science surrounding MCT oil and its benefits to weight loss in those who are overweight or obese that the science can undergo meta analysis. In the most recent of research, published August 2024, all the existing science on MCT weight loss properties was assessed by peer scientists so that the most commonly concluded properties of MCT oil on weight reduction with overweight and obesity can be harnessed moving forward. The pertinent suggestions on this analysis was:
- MCTs-enriched diets potentially lead to greater weight reduction than LCTs-enriched diets.
- It was possible to propose pure MCTs as a good source of high-quality fat in the dietary intervention strategies for individuals with overweight and obesity.
- In addition, the analysis recommended the daily supplementation of 10–15g of pure MCTs, as opposed to MLCTs, which you can read a WillPowders cross comparison of HERE for better weight management and minimal potential side effects.
Further Reading:
One of the leading studies on Medium Chain Triglyceride Oil Consumption as Part of a Weight Loss Diet Does Not Lead to an Adverse Metabolic Profile When Compared to Olive Oil Marie-Pierre St-Onge, PhD, Aubrey Bosarge, BA, Laura Lee T. Goree, RD, MSc, and Betty Darnell, RD
2008 Marie Pierre St. Onge and Aubrey Borsage study Comparing the effects of MCTs and olive oil to see if they create adverse metabolic effects when they are used in a diet
MCT oil is not toxic and you can read it from the horse’s mouth here: Toxicology
To read more about metabolic syndrome, try here: metabolic syndrome
The meta-analysis on MCT amounts and links to weight management are here Meta-analyses The impact of medium-chain triglycerides on weight loss and metabolic health in individuals with overweight or obesity: A systematic review and meta-analysis Hui He, Kang Liu, Min Liu, Ai-Jia Yang , Ka-Wing Cheng, Louise Weiwei Lu, Bin Liu , Jie-Hua Chen August 2024
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Our blogs are written with love in the hope that they go some way in helping you feel like the rockstar you are, and whilst we do our due diligence, research like maniacs and fact check our stuff, we know everyone’s journey is different. They are intended to educate and empower you, not usurp medical advice. We would never advise you to stop, adjust, or modify any prescription medication without the direct supervision of your healthcare practitioner, but don’t be afraid to talk to your doctor about your new found knowledge, brought to you by the marvels of nature because they don't know everything! Blogs are always informed by Davinia but often written by a member of the team. Not all blogs reflect Davinia's experiences and sometimes provide alternative perspectives