MCT/ Fat Blogs
Biohacking Blog
Stressed? Studying? Perimenopausing? AH-HA! Nootropic Stacks Are Light Bulb Moments
Could WillPowders Ah-Ha and Other Nootropic Stacks be Part of the Answer to Your Missing Memory Moments? First things first! Einstein wisely said that he never kept anything in...
Nootropics, Noo You!
Could nootropics enhance your WillPowders Way and energise, protect, calm, and yet lift, your brain function out of the depths of brain fog and into higher performance mode? With the...
Switch Your Brain to Swoosh
At WillPowders, we’ve reviewed the best Mother Nature and science have to offer to form our steady, reliable and hardworking gang of ingredients for our nootropic stack, so you can...
Dose Me, WillPowders, Dose Me!
How Much MCT Oil to Lose Weight? MCT 101: the one where we show you our workings out on how much MCT oil you can consume for weight loss. Short...
When We Ask ‘Is MCT Oil Bad for Cholesterol?’ Are We Asking the Wrong Question at the Right Time?
MCT Oil: the one in which we say, no, MCT oil is not bad for cholesterol but the existence of that question suggests modern perspectives on wellness may be skewed....
Spot the Difference Between MCT Oil and Coconut Oil
MCT 101: the one in which we debunk the myth that coconut oil does the same things as MCT oil. In your quest to eat foods that maintain their close...
You Heart MCT Oil But Does MCT Oil Love Your Heart Back?
MCT Oil: the one in which we offer answers to the question: ‘MCT oil side effects and heart health - what’s the latest science news?’ If we are conscious of...
The Slimming Watchers and This Weighty World: Which Magic Bullet Must We Dodge?
Answer: Both. Any weight loss company knows your fears: feeling hungry, having to give up your not so secret addictions, getting bigger if you don’t diet and then even bigger...
NHS Eatwell Guide: Well Plate or Hell Plate?
Why the NHS Eatwell Guide Won’t Curb Hunger or Support Hormones and Feelings of Wellbeing ... From the Balance of Good Health of 1994 to the Eatwell Plate of 2007...
The Diary of a Dieter
Once upon a time, she woke up feeling her usual energy-less self; she looked in the mirror and decided that she didn’t like what she saw or how she felt....
Sugar and Spikes and All Things Insulin Resistance
We’re probably all walking around with a smattering of understanding of the way our bodies utilise the energy available in our food. Memories of sweaty school science lessons have equipped...
Carb Chaos
Why do we seek carbs like unstoppable and insatiable carb seeking beasts, especially when we are tired, hungry, ill or hormonal? I know I’m not alone when I say I...