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The Slimming Watchers and This Weighty World: Which Magic Bullet Must We Dodge?

The Slimming Watchers and This Weighty World: Which Magic Bullet Must We Dodge?

Answer: Both

Any weight loss company knows your fears: feeling hungry, having to give up your not so secret addictions, getting bigger if you don’t diet and then even bigger if you do.  Why, then, are they skilled enablers of Big Food addiction?

We’ve all heard of the big hitters of the diet world. 

When it comes to ‘weight loss solutions’ the Diet Superbowl fixture is invariably the same:  The Slimming Watchers and This Weighty World!  Most of us have climbed into bed with them at some point, ‘done’ them, climbed out of the bed, got into the other bed, believing that, somehow, please, this one has a magic bullet where the other failed.  Some of us might still cheerlead for them, in which case, pass this blog along to your sisters!  Some rarified specimens amongst us have even worn their sashes with the dubious title, Slimmer of the Year.  But, are those pawns, sorry, queens, or indeed, are any of us runners up shuffling home with our consolation badges and keyrings, any slimmer, livelier, happier?  Possibly, but certainly not for long. 

And yet, many of us have been and keep being complicit with diet companies, agreeing to hide the skeletons in the cupboard and place a lampshade on top of the elephant in the room in a vain attempt to disguise it.  All the while, there’ll be a subtext suggesting that you are the elephant.  In exchange, we are granted the dubious pleasure of paying to be tortured into a body type that we can’t maintain, even with the ‘education’ and ‘support’ we were provided with.  We’ll even have offered full compliance and bought and eaten their dice-sized, sugar-filled chocolate bars and their 4x6 inch ultra-processed meals.  Meanwhile, as we’ve been looking the other way and woofing up the wrong ‘health’ tree, our hormones have gone rogue and,  studies like the one here show, our autoimmune systems aren’t taking any prisoners and are actively engaging in friendly fire.  

Slimness is just as transient as happiness for the majority of body types and liveliness doesn’t really rely on what our body looks like but on how our body is able to metabolise available energy.  Even then, with the best will in the world, our engines could be purring but our brains are saying, I can’t adult today.  Even then, you’ll still be picking yourself apart in the mirror, scrutinising your body for perceived micro flaws because that’s what you’ve been taught to do by society from birth and Weighty World Watchers aren’t trying to disrupt that because they are profiting from it.  Even when you’ve reached ‘goal’ weight (good grief!), we all know what happens once a goal is scored: it’s back to the centre line and it’s kick-off again.  Worse still, you’re likely to still be inflamed, your pancreas will still continue to pump insulin around the clock like it’s some sort of magic porridge pot and hunger will still be the monster you have yet to slay. 

Why we continue to sell our self-dominion for three chocolate beans ...

We need to uncover the sinister underbellies of The Slimming Watchers and This Weighty World and the secrets they keep.  The easy one to drag into the light is the low-fat, moderate to high carbs, calorie counting myth.  But the other secret is more horrifyingly misogynistic in nature for a diet company culture that is kept afloat by females, much so, that we can’t work out if said companies even know they are doing it (though we suspect they do - it’s the cash cow that keeps the ker-ching kerchinging!).  

Wellness - Schmellness 

The Slimming Watchers and This Weighty World, despite protestations that their main focus is now wellness, still seem to revel in the media idea of standard measure of a woman.  Of course, you guessed it, but might still be inadvertently buying into it, this means their standard measure must be a bit of a shapeshifter according to whims of fashions over health.  You see, sometimes she’s slim, if that is what the current fashion calls for, sometimes she is allowed a bigger ‘Brazilian’ bottom and thighs, if that is what the media demands, but the waist has got to be tiny if that is what is de rigueur this decade.  Those last two attributes, they tell Standard Measure Woman, are totally compatible, if only she has the rigid discipline to diet and target problem areas.  If she doesn’t, there’s always a company ready to step in and encourage her to wear the torture instrument of a waist trainer to keep her brain-body system perpetually stressed.  She greets this news with a perpetual smile on her face, beneath which she is boiling with rage.  It’s odd because, a while back, she has a vague recollection of having to have a flat chest to slip into a flapper dress.  After that, wasn’t she expected to be as strong as Rivet Rosie until the day her thighs shouldn’t meet as minidresses swung through the 60s? 

God forbid that this woman should feel just right for herself, be able to devote her brain space to something other than where her next costly calorie is coming from and get on with her day actually doing something she’d like to do.   What she really wants to feel is the zing of living.   But, alongside her sisters, she’s the poster girl for the woman who became slimmer but curvy in all the right places forever through the lie of low fat, moderate carbs, calories in, calories out living and she still gets to eat exactly what she wants.  Apparently, sugar and ultra processed foods and all.   She is the woman every other woman has to measure up to: The Impossible Standard Woman.  She is The Greatest Lie.   She is the ultimate assassin used by Weighty Watcher World to wreck your health and esteem and derail any other better life purpose that might actually benefit you and humanity.  

At WillPowders We Don’t Engage in the Standard Stick - We Dismantle the Fucker

Let’s get this straight.  At WillPowders, there is no Impossible Standard Woman.   No need to suck it in, you can breathe a sigh of relief around here.  Our mission is to support women stepping away from decades-old, outdated ideas about losing weight that have them addicted to sugars and ultra-processed foods and terrified of good fats and macronutrient dense foods.  Around here, weight loss can be an added extra for many but we don’t fill your every waking thought with believing you need to lose weight or with calculating whether you’re actually allowed to eat or not.  We celebrate if some of us are beginning to reject the idea of being consumed by constant thoughts of weight loss entirely.  If you need a quick watchword that we might live by, it’s strength through wellness.

Around here, we like the idea of you choosing your very own What Three Words to begin shaping your life differently.   It is not an exaggeration to say that diet culture has all but obliterated the idea that women might just want to get on with other stuff to the point where they can’t even imagine what other stuff might be a good choice for them; for your body, brain, mind, joyful habits, playful indulgences, jobs, careers, relationships, nourishing pastimes, whatever the hell else, anything but a laser-like focus on trying to be that woman who is The Greatest Lie.  

In reality, we don’t limit you to three words, but it’s nice to have a simple beginning that sets you on the path.  We don’t mind if your wellness path meanders and you choose little side roads to experiment with, either.  Hell, we don’t even mind if it’s not a path but an intrepid voyage dictated by the wind across a vast, unknown ocean - have your own adventure.  You know yourself best.  You are best placed to live as, well, you!  At WillPowders, we do the hard work of researching for you so you don’t have to become obsessed with sifting through the rumour and bullshit to find the rubies in the rocks.  Choose any triple you like - there is absolutely no standard stick around here because we took the bloody thing apart.   

Sail into the WillPowders harbour and find your much needed search for sanctuary

You’re not the one who broke your self-belief and self-image or body in any way.  Let Weighty Watcher World take responsibility for what they wanted to create from you.  It’s not your shit to account for.  Plenty of women come to us with bodies, brains and minds utterly depleted by diet lifestyles, having paid handsomely to be flagellated to this point since their early teens.  Not being transparently told by diet culture that you were inviting in the very things you were inadvertently running from ain’t your fault, sister!  In our harbour, we might suggest some words to set you on the path to real, rather than bandwagon-worthy wellness.   

We utterly understand that more demand is the very last thing you need.  If you are returning bruised from warring with endless diets, so let’s keep it really simple while you get your breath back.  May we suggest when playing this new to you, What three words? game that you choose Hydrated, Nourished, Energised as a simple starting point?   

Ok, so right now, we are not going to apologise for bringing you links a-go-go.  We want to keep it really simple so that you don’t have to navigate a million things at this point when you just want to feel better quickly and recoup for a hot minute.  If you are coming out of diet culture and ranging around for help, it’s not really much different from being in a trauma crisis.  No exaggeration.  Something in you knows this already which is why you’re reading this, right?  Get started on your WillPowders Way very simply.  Just a little more reading and you’re there.

Hydration rehabilitation

Hydrate   Easily rehabilitate away from the diet drinks that diet companies and Big Food peddle you as acceptable.  Drink our clean and innovative Electrotide.  The macronutrients essential to your body’s electrical systems along with the water - the very things that animates you - are readily absorbed from these elixirs.  You are putting essential hydration and salts into your body very easily.  Choose from cherry, watermelon, or citrus.   No insulin spiking sugars.  No fobbing your body off with artificial sweeteners.  No carbonated fizz leeching the calcium out of your body.  We’ve added two natural diuretics (we know it sounds counterintuitive but, trust us, the two work in harmony) to help you pee out the unwanted stuff.   When your body knows it’s hydrated, it will stop pumping out signals that you could be confusing for hunger.  Fatigue, lightheadedness and difficulty concentrating come with hunger or thirst or both.  Being alienated from the difference between hunger and thirst is commonplace, especially when you are exiting diet culture.  Eliminate thirst by knowing you are hydrating.  No one likes to battle feelings symptoms like hunger symptoms - Mumma Nature made Hunger a deliberately unpleasant character as a call to action to keep you alive by making you eat.  We salute her.   We love you very much alive and kicking.   Whereas those crafty Slimming Watchers will have you take your mind off ‘hunger’ (is it really?) by using your time filling in an eating app, we say, start with an ElectroTide, then see where you’re at. 

Fuck me, I can eat fabulous fat and it won’t mean high body fat?

Nourish and Energise with MCT Oil and MCT Keto Powder.  When it comes to fat, (which, we get it, you will be terrified of if you’re in recovery being told you’ve committed s(y)ns with avocados - take a soothing Calm to help with those feelings), MCT oil won’t spike your blood sugar but will feed your brain’s demand for fuel.  This will help you curb the type of hunger that you are feeling through being stressed or recovering from relying on carbohydrates as energy.  This oil helps you burn fat, not store fat, which your body has been trained to do up until now in favour of burning glucose.  You can add MCT oil and our keto creamer to your favourite hot beverage instead of soul-sucking skimmed milk and start enjoying luxuriously satiating mouthfeel and satiation in your brain and stomach.  This will help you step away from sugar and processed vegetable fat snacks which have been wreaking havoc with your wellness during those decades of dieting.  If your favourite beverage is low calorie hot chocolate, you’ll be willingly binning those and their array of chemicals, as well as their sugar laden big brothers from the ubiquitous branded drivethroughs, once you try our MCT and grass-fed butter rich fuck me, I can't believe I can actually legitimately eat or drink this protein powders.  You can and be better nourished and feel full and chemical free at the same time.   Stir them through full fat Greek yoghurt while sticking twos up at the Weighty World Watchers email trying to get you to sign back up.

Zing for the win

Energise We are here to tell you that feeling nice and sleepy at bedtime is lovely and will allow for an amazing night’s sleep ready for tomorrow but, if you feel like this all day, there is something amiss.  If you’ve sailed to us from Weighty Watcher World, we know for a fine fact you will feel this most of the time and that is not normal.  Lift your mood and energy levels naturally with this nootropic - your neurons will definitely be troping towards feeling more energy with these little soldiers.  When you want to go for a sly kip in the powder room, try powdering your brain instead! 

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Our blogs are written with love in the hope that they go some way in helping you feel like the rockstar you are, and whilst we do our due diligence, research like maniacs and fact check our stuff, we know everyone’s journey is different. They are intended to educate and empower you, not usurp medical advice. We would never advise you to stop, adjust, or modify any prescription medication without the direct supervision of your healthcare practitioner, but don’t be afraid to talk to your doctor about your new found knowledge, brought to you by the marvels of nature because they don't know everything! Blogs are always informed by Davinia but often written by a member of the team. Not all blogs reflect Davinia's experiences and sometimes provide alternative perspectives