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Hack Your Hormones

Getting Older is the New Black

Clean, Efficient, Performance Nutrition 101:  Why WillPowders Scandinavian Protein Powder boosted with creatine and shilajit might just be your new best friend, without undue additional fuss and faff, as you aim for more years in health.

It’s one of those things: if someone offered you the chance to go back and pick up your youth, you might well bite their hand off, but probably only if you could take your hard-earned wisdom of the here and now with you.  But, alas, that sort of offer is the stuff of fairytales, anyway: a deal that can only be made in a magic land with a dodgy Rumpelstiltskin trickster who’s usually after your very soul.   Besides, all your teen idols (Air Supply, anyone?) are now rocking it with a more mature angle on life too, so it’s not all bad, surely?  And so, lots of us just get on with getting older as best we can, surprised that, by the age of 40, we’re creakier than we anticipated we might be and by 50 those things we assumed would go away with time are starting to hang around like a bad smell.  By the time you hit 60, maybe we finally realise that the habits we thought you could get away with when we were younger might well have something to do with what ends up happening to your body.  Time will tell …  

But, hang on a minute, what if there’s a way to preserve as much glory as we have now, whether we are in our 40s, 50s or 60s and beyond?  Even better, what if we could pimp that glory, somewhat?  Ok, so it might not be our youth-youth that we are reclaiming (see aforementioned caveat above to ease the pain of that fact), but there might well be a way to have more years in youthful-type health.  The bonus is that, while we might anticipate having to take a white knuckle ride of pain and perseverance to make necessary changes in making friends with our health, it could be a whole lot simpler, if we just learn to biohack. 

Let’s look at some WillPowders fundamentals of being well

At WillPowders HQ, we talk about a triple: Nourish, Energise, Hydrate.  These are our basic set of keys with which to unlock the doors to a healthier, more vitalised way of living.  All else follows.  With these fundamentals in place, we are more likely to want to move - because that’s the natural human state, to want to move our bodies.  Movement leads to strength.  Once we are moving naturally and habitually, and most importantly, in our busy modern lives, keeping our health central to our being with simple but wholly effective everyday tools that are easy to integrate into existing routines, we find we ignite a strand of self-care purpose in our lives.  In turn, this can help our nervous systems to calm down, which means we are also helping in the process of ‘downshifting’ our lives.  (Nope, that’s not the same as downsizing to accommodate for emptier nests).  According to Dan Buettner’s work on Blue Zones, who studies populations of people across the world who have the longest lives, those with longevity don’t experience less stress but they do habitually spend some of their day shedding that stress consciously[*].  At WillPowders, we believe that our simple supplementation tools of nourishment, re-energising and hydration don’t add stress to your life, instead, they can help make life more manageable.   

Wonderful WillPowders examples of the benefits of biohacking tools


Add to your daily mix our Scandinavian Performance Protein Powder and you can boost your performance across the day, both physically and cognitively.  This bad boy is a bit of a chameleon.  While he might sound like he’s designed for elite athletes, don’t be fooled (although elite athletes would do well to add this to their daily routine, too, so do tell the sporting neighbours!).  This good-habit protein packs plenty of nutritional punch.   

Made with bone broth powder from Scandinavian cattle, it contains macronutrients vital to your, well, vital electrical currents.  These macronutrients are in electrolyte form, so more easily absorbed by your body.  Plus, our boosted protein powder easily lends your diet the whole amino acid profile.  Think of these soldiers as the building blocks of life.  They’ll stick together like your grandnephew’s stickle bricks and repair and replace where needed.  Plus, to stop the sugary-snackery jiggery-pokery that we are so often caught up in, and there’s little more ageing than sugar in most convenience snacks, we’ve added grass-fed butter and MCT powder.  These good fats help to make you feel satiated for longer.   The grass fed butter will offer vitamins A, D and K2 and, for gut health, butyrates which will feed the good bacteria in the bowel.  While, at the other end of the spectrum, ahem, so to speak, MCT powder, made from MCT oil, helps to feed the brain with ketones.  


This is important because, as we age, we can begin to become more insulin resistant and our brains may not be able to use the preferred fuel of glucose quite as efficiently.  However, the brain will happily substitute glucose for ketones in order to keep our cognitive function rocking.  With ketones, we are using the brain’s ability to be a hybrid fuel system, utilising both glucose, when it’s available, and ketones, when it isn’t.   In this way, cognitive function could be better supported as we take another trip around the sun.  By consuming MCT oil, which is metabolised by the liver, bypassing the lymphatic system, our brain is given the opportunity to take up the fast fuel it craves.  When you feel that craving for sugar, that might be coming from the brain anticipating it is going to run out of fuel, which can happen when your day gets stressful.  Interrupt the carb craving with the good fat of MCT in our performance protein powder and your cognitive function could remain as sharp as a tack. For more information on The Selfish Brain Concept and MCT, give How a Diet Can Ruin Your Physical and Mental Health a read.

Age Appropriate Habits

Plus, if you are looking to ward off one of the symptoms of metabolic syndrome, and the dreaded Amplified Waistline of Ageing seems to have taken up residence around your middle (35 inches for women and 40 inches for men), and you’ve also got a sharp eye on the other devil of a cluster of conditions, like increased weight, known to herald in diseases such as Type 2 diabetes and coronary heart disease, then MCT oil helps to increase energy expenditure and can be beneficial to those aiming to control weight.   If you want to amplify the benefits of MCT oil in your diet beyond our protein powders, WillPowders MCT Oil can be taken on its own or added to recipes such as whizzing up a WillPowders pesto or salad dressing.  

We recommend a boosted protein powder: the creatine-shilajit combo

In our performance protein powder, we focus on a strength and cognitive gain boost.  While this, again, seems like the domain of an elite athlete, in some ways, those lucky young pups have less to worry about in terms of their nutrition, with Father Time on their side and all that.  It’s the rest of us that might need the leg-up!  Creatine and shilajit are designed to offer us just that, on top of all the other benefits of our regular protein powder.  Here’s a quick win for the great athletically untrained amongst us: ‘30 days of creatine supplementation (5 g/day) has also been shown to improve strength even without supervised concurrent strength and conditioning programs in individuals who are physically active’ [*].  Hurrah!  

Hold on, what is creatine and what does creatine do?

Creatine is created naturally in the body in the liver and kidneys.  We can get creatine if we eat meat in our diet.  However, most often, when we are active, there is not quite the supply we need residing in our skeletal muscles.  One of the benefits of creatine is that, if we supplement with creatine powder, it can reduce fatigue in muscles when they work hard.  This is why it helps with the building and maintenance of that all important muscle mass.   However, its lesser known qualities also help cognitive function, and, as such, it is of interest to scientists in preventing cognitive degeneration in ageing.  Shilajit is also of interest for this.  The humectants of fulvic and humic acid could play crucial roles in the way we look after our cognitive health.  While those youngsters might be using creatine and shilajit to sharpen athletic physical and mental athletic performance, we might be employing the benefits of creatine for a whole range of other reasons on top, like getting through a fast-paced work day or going from Couch to 5K or trying to maintain and repair muscle mass so it’s not lost over time as we get older.  And we certainly don’t preclude the idea that you might be demonstrating your sporting prowess, too!

Creatine and Sarcopenia

It’s sad but true that, as we age, we are more likely to suffer from long standing conditions with our health.  This can begin as early as our sixteenth year.  Conditions that affect the musculoskeletal system are the most common long standing condition.  This is one of the reasons that we focus on strength which comes from movement here at WillPowders.  As we age, we risk sarcopenia which decreases our muscle mass, and compromises the strength and functionality of our muscles.   Then we are ushering in a whole range of morbid problems.  Creatine supplementation might benefit a range of conditions including sarcopenia and also ‘several diseases characterised by atrophic conditions, weakness, and metabolic disturbances (i.e., in the muscle, bone, lung, and brain) [...] there has been evidence indicating that creatine supplementation is capable of attenuating the degenerative state in some muscle disorders (i.e., Duchenne and inflammatory myopathies), central nervous diseases (i.e., Parkinson's, Huntington's, and Alzheimer's), and bone and metabolic disturbances (i.e., osteoporosis and type II diabetes)’ [*].   This is one of the main reasons why we pimped our more familiar protein powders.  However, there is a caveat here:  you need to couple creatine supplementation with exercise, particularly resistance training.  Lifting a cup of tea to your lips doesn’t really count (although keep reading to see how you can fortify your regular cuppa to further re-gain or maintain muscle mass).  Yep, we’re gutted about that, too!  The good news is that, when you do engage in resistance training, the creatine supplementation will help build more muscle mass than if you didn’t take creatine [*].  Add to this that supplementing with our award winning hydrolysed bovine collagen peptides (stir it into your familiar brews) could also support an increase in muscle mass, ‘the combination of resistance exercise and collagen peptide supplementation resulted in a significant improvement in muscular strength as well as a significant increase in muscle mass’ [*]  and you’ll really be layering in ways you could be looking after your long term mobility.  

Cognitive function of nootropic fulvic acid

One of the advantages of shilajit is that its main component is fulvic acid.  The benefits of fulvic acid to the brain are of interest to science.  Traditional medicine practices, such as Ayurveda, have embraced the benefits of shilajit’s fulvic acid content for centuries since it appears to have anti-inflammatory, anti-fatigue, immuno-modulatory and memory enhancing benefits.  Fulvic acid is believed by some researchers to help prevent neurodegenerative disease, or, at the very least, slow its progression.  But, when you consider that a disease such as Alzheimers may take twenty years to develop, slowing down the process may well gain you those precious few more years in health.  

Fulvic acid can prevent a build-up of tau proteins, which may help cognitive health.  Tau protein build-up can trigger brain cell damage. 

Tau proteins are mainly found in the brain.  Tau proteins are susceptible to environmental changes and can become ‘tangled’, leading to cell damage and inflammation.   It is possible to see disruptions in tau proteins decades before the onset of a neurodegenerative disease such as Alzheimers [*].  It seems that fulvic acid can help ease those ‘tangles’ as part of the body’s natural ways of, if you like, taking out the ‘trash’ [*].  Alongside this, other studies have supported that administration of fulvic acid ‘resulted in managing dementia symptoms, better appetite, sleeping, and higher performance’ [*].   Scientists don’t know whether fulvic acid is the magic bullet for neurodegenerative diseases, more research is required, but evidence is growing that fulvic acid may play a role in brain health.  If we couple fulvic acid’s potential as a nootropic with the properties of MCT oil, as we have in our performance protein, then we could potentially be looking after our cognitive health for the longer term.  


Recognising that modern day living doesn’t always mean we are maximising the way we eat or drink, at WillPowders, we also like to enhance our hydration potential for maximum efficiency so that we can biohack our way to optimum health - physical and mental - for now and for the long term - as easily as possible.  We don’t ever separate the body from the brain and body-brain from the life we’ve woven, partly for ourselves and partly by circumstances out of our control - that magic mix that makes us human.  Take water, for example.  Vital for life, granted.  But, a less well known fact is that, from middle age onwards, our thirst perception is blunted.  This might be why, as we age, it sometimes seems like a monumental chore to drink water.  It also seems that we need to drink more water as we get older because our bodies don’t regulate our temperature as well as when we were younger [*].  So, to make water work harder in taking care of our bodies, we developed ElectroTide Hydration so that water tastes great when we do drink it (you’re more likely to remember to keep hydrated as part of your day regularly when it tastes great, right?) plus it works harder for us with the added benefits of electrolyte macrominerals to keep your internal electrics sparking good and proper.  But, it doesn’t end there.  As a first in wellness supplements, we also added the diuretic ingredients of dandelion root and horsetail so that you can bring in the new and pee out the old!  All in all, at WillPowders, hydration tastes of natural cherry, citrus or watermelon and efficiently gets to work on your internal seas. 

For Fats Sake symbol #FFS Purple text on a blue background

WillPowders will always cheerlead for you!

It is a sad fact that, as we age, we can feel like we are becoming invisible.  It’s one of karma’s great jokes, isn’t it, that rite of passage we all engaged in when we were young, believing that anyone beyond their third decade had little of relevance to say to us?  And then we swap teams and we find all our attempts to be relevant are stymied.  Well, that isn’t the case here at WillPowders.  We love our andropausal, perimenopausal, menopausal, postmenopausal team and community.  We will don the whole spangly leotard and take up our tinsel pom poms and cheerlead for longevity and wisdom anyday.  Join our #FFS community on Facebook, join the Good Fat Club so that the hassle of remembering to re-order your protein powder is our privilege to sort and not your problem, or sign up for our newsletter so that you can, as Dylan Thomas puts it ‘burn and rave’ as you get older, and we don’t mean in an inflammation and cognitive decline way but in the ‘party how you want to, even if that is in loungewear’ way!   

Further Reading

Try here for more reading on Dan Buetter’s work on Blue Zones and Aging

A little more on humic and fulvic acid can be found here Cognitive Health and Fulvic and Humic Acid 

Find 10 medically reviewed ways in which fulvic acid could benefit your health here. 

For  more on creatine’s therapeutic applications, try here and here.

For the scientific review of commonly asked questions about creatine supplementation, this site has it all! A meta-analysis of the research on the benefits of creatine.

Give this a go for how, from middle age onwards, we need to drink more to support our body temperature regulation or here for an easier read! 

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Our blogs are written with love in the hope that they go some way in helping you feel like the rockstar you are, and whilst we do our due diligence, research like maniacs and fact check our stuff, we know everyone’s journey is different. They are intended to educate and empower you, not usurp medical advice. We would never advise you to stop, adjust, or modify any prescription medication without the direct supervision of your healthcare practitioner, but don’t be afraid to talk to your doctor about your new found knowledge, brought to you by the marvels of nature because they don't know everything! Blogs are always informed by Davinia but often written by a member of the team. Not all blogs reflect Davinia's experiences and sometimes provide alternative perspectives