Hack Your Hormones
Meet the WillPowders Protein Powders Family
Our Scandinavian Protein Powders are siblings, never twins, so let’s help you decide which you want to enjoy the benefits of, why and when …
There’s no greater delight for WillPowders than developing the nourishing and energising products you love. Our Scandinavian Protein Powders have always been a big hit due to their delicious flavours, nutritional punch, abilities to quickly crush a craving, the feelings of satiety they lend, their versatility and, now, for one of these beauties, the superpowers to help build strength and increase physical and cognitive performance.
More alike than different - the famous four ingredients
The first thing to know is that wonderful fundamentals run right across our Scandinavian Protein Powder range. Less than a handful of clean, no nasties ingredients bring you efficiently layered benefits.
Here’s what they all have in common:
- Scandinavian Bone Broth Powder - the full deck of amino acids (and, fret not, it doesn't taste like bone broth)
- MCT Keto Powder - with grass fed butter for a kaboodle of MCT benefits
- Celtic Sea Salt - the salt in the sweet and salty flavour layers
- Stevia - the sweet to the salt to keep your brain intrigued
Then you have some choices to make. Will you plump for:
- Award Winning Milk Chocolate Protein Powder? Additional ingredients: cocoa powder. Nuff said!
- Chocolate Orange Keto Powder? Additional ingredients: cocoa powder, orange oil - both from nature!
- Vanilla? Additional ingredient: Madagscan vanilla extract - again natural, but double-bubble - makes the protein powder taste like melted Mr. Whippy. It’s all just a case of your taste buds and WillPowders’ wizardry!
- Performance Protein Powder? Additional ingredients: cocoa powder, for the natural flavours of milk chocolate, and the new stars of the show - creatine monohydrate and shilajit extract.
What’s your flava? Tell us what’s your flava? (Subjective though this may be!)
To be fair, we know a lot about the answer to this. That’s one of the reasons our Chocolate Orange Keto Powder went from, Please don’t go! to Back for good! With no need to tap or unwrap, you can be bathing in the zing of orange and the comforting chocolate meltiness of this little number in no time.
Our Nourish 3 Star Award Winning Milk Chocolate Protein Powder impressed the industry’s gold standard tasters at the Nourish Awards 2024, so much that it’s definitely their flavour of choice. What can we say? We aimed for the taste of a melted bar of chocolate to pop into your shakes, smoothies, yoghurt, or as a comforting hot chocolate and, it seems, we definitely delivered!
Within our Vanilla Protein Powder, you’ll find buttery luxury and that deep seated scent of vanilla psychologically associated with feelings of comfort and warmth. It’s all those childhood ice-creams, Milky Bar Kids and madeira sponge cakes rolled into one. Practically nostalgia in a tub (or sachets, if you prefer)!
Our Performance Protein Powder sports a comparable flavour to the milk chocolate with a couple of extra possibilities. Creatine’s taste is described in different ways, often at the same time as a description of its texture, with some describing the taste as slightly bitter which goes hand in hand with our other special guest - shilajit. The benefits of shilajit come with the sort of background flavour profile that you might associate with an ingredient like a quality dark chocolate - there’s a smoky, deep grounded note that sings through. We balanced this with just a spec of chocolate within our natural flavours. All in all, it tastes grown-up!

How to hack these powerhouses into your WillPowders Way
Firstly, the three old guards of vanilla, milk chocolate and chocolate orange will do you any old time - fill your boots! But, secondly, the WillPowders Way is yours, not ours! We didn’t set out to produce cookie cutter customers (Good God, no!), we set out to make nutritional tools that can be applied in versatile ways according to what you want to achieve and how you want to live. If you are active or love exercising and the gym, you might opt to break a fast with our Performance Protein Powder to set you up for your strength building in the day. Equally, if you’ve just had the shittest night’s sleep and you need to perform at work, the Performance Protein is also for you - you might want to get an extra scoop or add it to a coffee! If life is all about getting stronger and fitter and improving performance, then just make this your go-to in the day. Find out more about the cognitive benefits of creatine and shilajit here.
If sleeping is not your forte, you might want to try keeping to our old guard range later in the evening.
You can't go wrong with the amino acid of tryptophan which can help you fall asleep faster and help with the quality of your sleep. Vanilla is associated with an anti-anxiety effect so give that a whirl. If you are particularly caffeine sensitive, then switch out our chocolate varieties mid afternoon?
None of the range will spike blood sugars. If you find yourself ranging round for a sugar fix, then these are the ports in the storm. Later in this blog, we look at why sweet and salty was a non-negotiable of our flavour choices.

What are the benefits of Bone Broth Powder?
Bone broth powders, from Scandinavian grass-fed cattle, alongside the full amino acid profile, also contain the macronutrients potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, chloride and sodium, the bonus is that they’re offered in electrolyte form. In this way, they are more readily absorbed by the body to keep all your electrical currents flowing.
With the amino acids in the bone broth powder, you just made your body’s job of repairing and replacing an absolute doddle. Supporting the amino acids in your body means that the other fundamentals of well-being are likely to fall into place much more easily.
For example, the amino acid tryptophan is used to help make melatonin and serotonin. Melatonin will help regulate your sleep-wake cycle. Serotonin will regulate appetite, sleep, mood and pain. Your liver will be penning you a thank you note too as it will use tryptophan to produce vitamin B3 for energy, metabolism and DNA support. Glycine, on the other hand, is the most abundant and versatile of amino acids in your body and your immune cells need this little guy more than they need glucose to support your immune system [*]. When they said Dr. Luke O’Zade aids recovery, what they should have said is glycine aids recovery! Plus, if you are looking to support weight loss, the protein from the bone broth has the potential to make you feel fuller for longer so you won’t be reaching for snacks before your next meal.
What are the benefits of MCT Keto Powder with grass fed butter?
Well, well, two fabulous fats, FFS! MCT powder offers all the benefits of MCT oil, one of our hero products that you can read about here. MCT powder makes your drink creamy, along with the velvety textures of grass fed butter. That luxurious mouthfeel will help you feel indulged, which is part of why we go looking for creamy chocolate bars. Our clever brains know what fat feels like in the mouth and we’re giving it to you, baby! It’s worth noting here that ‘diet’ foods attempt to bring you these textures with chemical jiggery pokery after they’ve rinsed most of the fat (that carries the nutrients, mind) out of your food. And your brain knows it. We would never cheat your brain in this way. We give that beauty what it wants! No need to resort to sugar snacks and artificial chemical fillers in a dice-sized bar here!
MCT also increases energy expenditure, which can help with weight loss, and it can help with increasing time between meals and the likelihood that your next meal will be smaller. Remember, at WillPowders, we aren’t encouraging diet cultures of deprivation, so don’t misunderstand us, but we are able to support people wanting to move away from the addictions Big Food has them hooked up to - the nutrient poor, sugar spike hunger of higher carbs. Just some little biohacks for your back pocket!
Neither MCT or grass fed butter increase ‘bad’ cholesterol. Hurrah! That grass fed butter is rich in vitamins A, D, E and K2. It also amps up your dietary calcium. Additionally, the butyrates from the butter help fuel the good bacteria in your bowel to support the gut-brain axis. Grass fed butter also boasts essential fatty acid Omega 3, a good fat overall and especially for the brain.

Why use stevia? Why add Celtic sea salt?
Ok, so we aren’t just jumping on some modern flavour combo bandwagon here in order to make our protein powder flavours sound like something from a Michelin starred restaurant menu. The combo of sweet and salty is pleasurable to our palette. At WillPowders, we don’t pretend that people haven’t been hard wired this way for survival nor do we pretend that the way our brain’s desire has been met by Big Food isn’t exploitative and addicting. What we’ve done is give you a way to enjoy that natural marriage of flavours without the toxic codependency that it comes with in Big Food Land.
Our brains have a vested interest in keeping us alive. It truly is Designated Survivor. Our brains crave variety in flavours and the two they are likely to crave are sweet (mother’s milk, fruits) and salty (encountering salts within meat and from eating seafood in our palaeolithic wiring). When sweet and salty are layered as flavours, our brains are kept entertained. For a complex organ, sometimes you have to use the tactics you’d use with a toddler: amuse, amuse, amuse! Humans crave sweetness as a source of energy, call it our ancient hard wiring for survival. The idea that we have either a sweet tooth or crave salt doesn’t hold true in science. In fact, it seems more likely that children and adults who crave highly sweet foods usually crave highly salty foods, i.e. there is a biological drive to seek these types of foods [*]. That’s the weak spot that modern Big Food sticks a crow bar into and cracks open. These two flavours used to be rare and expensive commodities in our diets, even though we needed both for survival. Now, a quick flip of the fridge door and we are bombarded with a plethora of both flavours, freely available and often bound up with nutrient poor carbohydrates, which our ancient genetics really can’t cope with. That’s why we keep the powders low carb and nutrient rich so that you can work with your biology, not against it.
WillPowders steps in, substituting the willpower you’d otherwise have to use, and which won’t work for long, for WillPowders, which will support you longer term. We blend sweetness in the form of stevia which you can read more about here and saltiness from Celtic sea salt which is rich in minerals and micronutrients such as calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, zinc and iodine. None of that mined salt which has had its minerals removed for WillPowders! We’ll leave that stuff to Big Food!
Let’s see what those two new kids on the block are up to …
Having made the grade to enter one of our protein powders, you’d better believe that these two stalwarts are worth it! When it comes to strength and improving both physical and mental performance, all the while nourishing the faithful bod with the bone broth and MCT powder, you really are scoring yourself some extra help.
3g of creatine in a Performance Protein Powder serving will help your longer term goals of:
- Increasing low speed strength
- Maximising work output
- Producing high speed strength
- Supporting sprint performance
- Building fat-free mass
- Enhancing force output
- Augmenting power output
- Increasing strength
- Increasing anaerobic threshold
- Increasing work capacity
- Enhancing recovery (and the amino acids won’t go amiss here, too!)
- Enhancing training adaptations
How did you ever think training without it was a good idea?!
Shilajit - that conqueror of mountains - is going to support lending you the following:
- Potentially untangling tau proteins since tangled tau proteins are associated with Alzheimer’s Disease (untangled tau proteins help stabilise the internal structure of neurons in the brain)
- Anti-inflammatory and pro-inflammatory properties (don’t worry - you need both) and modulating the two
- Anti-viral properties
- Improved gut health
- Potential stress reduction (so far the experiments show really happy rats!)
- Combatting the symptoms of ageing, like poor sleep
Every which way, with our protein powders, your cup runneth over!
We provide the WillPowders tools, but you create your life’s masterpieces. The glory of a good night’s sleep, the swerving of the sugar snack, the turning away from Big Food, the toning of your muscles, the peak performance (even if that means for you you’re celebrating that you’ve got the energy to make dinner - why shouldn't that come with a round of applause?). Really, we want to free you up from trying to make the high carb, low fat joke work for you (it never will) so that you can get on and do something more you, instead!
Let us know how you get on over at our Facebook #FFS club page.
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Our blogs are written with love in the hope that they go some way in helping you feel like the rockstar you are, and whilst we do our due diligence, research like maniacs and fact check our stuff, we know everyone’s journey is different. They are intended to educate and empower you, not usurp medical advice. We would never advise you to stop, adjust, or modify any prescription medication without the direct supervision of your healthcare practitioner, but don’t be afraid to talk to your doctor about your new found knowledge, brought to you by the marvels of nature because they don't know everything! Blogs are always informed by Davinia but often written by a member of the team. Not all blogs reflect Davinia's experiences and sometimes provide alternative perspectives