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Powder Up!

Powder Up!

It’s ski season.  Or hardcore wild water swimming season.  Or finding yourself walking up a hill and coming back down a mountain season.  Whatever the extremes this season, one thing’s for certain, when it comes to physically and mentally exhilarating holidays, performance and apres are paramount (but not necessarily in that order!).  

But, even though you're miles from home, there’s no need to go off-piste with your WillPowders Way.  We’ve got you covered when it comes to clean nutrition, movement and energy and functional hydration.  We’re here to ‘Alp’ with a Fresh Powder Bundle!

Commit to the Cause with Brain Powder

Whether you’re an absolute beginner, interested intermediate or seasoned pro, we all need a little addition to the wattage to get us out of the warm and into the cold.  Our bodies enjoy homeostasis - that state of being just right - why would we disturb it?  Popping another log on the fire and enjoying the view from the chalet’s alluring when you’re jet-lagged from a night flight or yesterday you conquered two mountains.  But, come hell or high water, that ski pass won’t scan itself, despite it costing a month’s wages.  Even cheering the little darlings on at the nursery slope edge takes motivation.  Uttering, Amazing, sweetie! for the millionth time when they’ve snow ploughed five yards wears thin.  Even worse, five minutes later, the kiddo has cracked it and is showing you up as you herringbone back up out of the deep after an embarrassing tumble.  It’s enough to have you reaching for the hip flask.  

But, hack it!  WillPowders Brain Powder helps with motivation because it contains caffeine.  Plus, no jitters because we’ve added L-Theanine, too.  Caffeine blocks the receptors that register sleepy feelings so tiredness subsides.  Caffeine also stimulates the Mr. Motivator of hormones - dopamine.  So, while the fire’s nice, it’s nothing compared to the mountain top’s velvet-white silence.  Let the caffeine lift you there (and maybe the odd ski lift, too).  

Speaking of hip flasks, once you’re up the mountain, keeping topped up with caffeine little and often helps you avoid slumps.  No need to ruin the line of your racing salopettes and lug a Thermos with you, though.  Sipping ‘20 milligrams to 100 milligrams’ of caffeine at a time from your hip flask could keep you ticking over nicely.  Brain Powder contains 200mg of caffeine, so you’ll have plenty to keep you swishing.  And you can pack a sachet for later, too!  

Strong as a Mountain Oxtail Soup, only Nicer!

There’s no doubt that physical performance under challenging conditions takes strength.  If you’re wise, you’ll have put in the training.  Let’s face it, no-one takes up mogul skiing on a whim unless they want their knees lodged in their ribcage.  Ditto wild water swimming - that lake ain’t the local pool - heated and with a ripped lifeguard revved for emergencies.  If you’re looking forward to a wild adventure, our Performance Protein contains creatine and shilajit to support your strength goals.  

But, no matter the starting point, once we’re in the elements, we all love a drink that warms the cockles.  Hot chocolate’s traditional.  And, alas, it’s full of sugar!  But, fret not!  You can swap out the so last year, has-been hot chocolate for our Nourish Award winning WillPowders Chocolate Protein Powder Sachets.  Our Scandinavian bone broth powder is a complete protein to support repair, recovery and rejuvenation, and the butter from pasture-raised, grass-fed cows affords the luxurious texture we all deserve when we’ve slain the slopes!  Either be a maverick and stir it into a mug of hot water (after all, you’ve ordered the kids a million euros worth of food) or order a hot milk and add the sachet.

Longer term, consider our performance bad boy protein, which will also support your training plans during the next year, with its shilajit and creatine additions.  There’s nothing like that extra oomph of energy and strength when you’re bearing down into a racing stop.  Mont Blanc, see you next year!

Replace Lost Fluids with all the Skill of a Parallel Turn

All that movement, even on a cold hillside, works up a sweat.  Exercise depletes body salts.  At altitude, you’ll be breathing harder and the air is drier, too.  Plus, the wind and sun (fingers crossed for the ski goggle tan) will be whipping water away from your skin.  Drinking more water and taking on more electrolytes is crucial.  

Ever efficient, we’ve made drinking electrolytes a pleasure with three delicious flavours, Citrus, Cherry or Watermelon ElectroTides (we’ve bobbed the cherry flavour in the Fresh Powder Bundle).   Limonade, madame?  Non, merci!  These handy sachets are so easy to slip into water that you’ll be using these à la café.   With WillPowders in your pocket, gone are the days of having to hold your nose to swallow sugary, salty minerals.  Our beauties go down with the grace of a snowflake!

When the Green Run Turns into a Black Run - Calm Down!

The trip up the mountain on a coach wider than the twisty turny road was shredding for the nerves.  But now, pootling along on your skis down a scenic mountain path is just tickety boo.  You could do this forever, right?  A slight slalom breaks up any monotony, yup, beats working any day.  And then you realise that the husband’s read the map upside down and, any second now, you’ll be on a black run, alarmingly signposted ‘The Swiss Wall’.  Last time you looked, walls were vertical, right?  Suddenly, you’re weeping, take me back to ski school.  

No need to fake a broken ankle and call the blood wagons out.  WillPowders Calm soothes the nerves and calms the mind.  The imagined scenario in which the helicopter is marshalled to air lift you off the mountainside for a panic attack could be a distant thought after a couple of Calm.  They’ll have you thinking in a more level-headed way.  A quick shimmy through those  trees and you’ll come across a nice, tranquil, sea-blue run that you can ski elegantly down and no one will know you wet your pants.  

But do ski, swim and hike responsibly.  You’re only human - the elements have the upper hand, no Calm in the world will mend a broken leg.

Pre Apres, Apres and Apres Apres Ski

Following up the downhill with a bucket of Schnapps can be a recipe for activities  going, well, downhill!  For pre-apres, try Rise and Shine - three capsules with water.  Have a bombardino, an aperol spritz, or two, and follow up with three more capsules the following morning, apres apres ski, if you will. We formulated Rise and Shine  for indulgence recovery, so if you succumb to mid-mountain cake or French Fries (on a French mountain, no less), well, it’s a one off and a holiday, after all!

If there’s something about mountain air that makes you feel like your body is that of an elite Olympian, so you’re an alcohol free zone, then Kombucha is your go-to.  Ours is in handy sachet form to slip into the ski jacket, and it looks after your gut as you go- which booze doesn’t.  With a slight effervescence, this fermented drink is bursting with health benefits and excited to be back in the mountains, having been brewed on the Alishan Mountain Range of Taiwan.  It’s packed with symbiotics to support your gut and your mood.  Salute!

Whatever way you choose to pep up the last gasps of winter and the first promise of Spring, make sure to pack a Dry Robe and a WillPowders Fresh Powder Bundle.   

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