Hearing from women who understand what real sisterhood looks and feels like makes everyone who works at WillPowders and with Davinia feel like they've struck gold.
Clare's story highlights the power of community and finding a voice that resonates; something we know is so valuable and often the motivation to regain a sense of control in a world that is constantly throwing curveballs.
Read Clare's amazing story below ...
My Willpowders story started in November 2024 when Davinia popped up on my Instagram feed, and I am sure you will agree that she is very hard to ignore. She was so vibrant, positive, and full of life that I wanted to find out more. I checked out her other Instagram posts and then downloaded her podcast. The episode where she tells her story touched me deeply, and I cried my eyes out in the car while listening to it because I felt so much like she described.
At this point in my life, I was struggling to stop drinking and not really wanting to acknowledge that I was a functioning alcoholic. I was menopausal, overweight, exhausted, depressed, and while not suicidal, I really wasn’t bothered if I woke up in the morning. I was an emotional zombie, putting one foot in front of the other to get through the day, do my job, and look after my family until I could drink in the evening. My life felt “meh.” I had just about reached the point of accepting that this was what my life was, and this was how I was always going to feel.
I started to listen to more of Davinia's podcasts, read both of her books, and ordered the Stash tin to dip my toe in the water—and I was amazed. The Stash tin is such a great idea for people to try things before they buy larger versions. Plus, the tin is so useful and cute. The three-day plan in the tin was such a revelation, and I felt so good on it that I have carried on with the Willpowders way. I also joined the FFS Facebook group, which is so friendly and informative and makes you really feel part of a tribe. The support on there is amazing.
I now take collagen and MCT creamer in my daily coffee, which keeps me full until I eat around 1 p.m. When I do eat, I either have a Willpowders chocolate protein shake or a salad for lunch. Dinner is as unprocessed as possible, followed by a hot chocolate or Greek yogurt made with protein powder, which is fantastic for satisfying my sweet tooth.
My friend, who does my nails, is so impressed with how strong my nails are since I started taking Willpowders collagen that she is recommending it to her other clients. It has also gotten rid of my menopausal itchy scalp and the tiny bumps at the top of my arms. My skin all over is so soft now.
I have stopped drinking, spurred on by this new healthy lifestyle that Davinia and Willpowders introduced me to, and I feel better than I have in many years. For the first time in a long time, I feel hope for feeling better and healthier as I enter my fifties.
I am so happy to have found Willpowders because not only do they work, but I have confidence in their provenance and cleanliness. I take electrolytes in the morning to help hydrate, and I have been taking the spice tablets for a month to try and help with the pain and decreased mobility from a knee and ankle injury. It was only when I came to the end of the bottle that I realised I hadn't had pain for a while, which makes me more able and inclined to exercise. This, in turn, is helping my health journey, so spice is definitely on the list to keep taking.
I am calmer, clearer, healthier, lighter, and sober, and I know I would not be here if it weren’t for Davinia and Willpowders. It is so exciting to come home to that spotted box and know you have new goodies to unpack. Some people say that it’s expensive, but I firmly believe that you get what you pay for. I no longer spend money on alcohol and junk, and since these products actually work, I know exactly where I want to spend my money.