Cheers for the Cheerleaders
When it comes to sharing the love, we do it the WillPowders Way
Great food? Check.
Great conversation? Double check.
Great group of women? Triple check! After all, what better day than International Women’s Day to gather a group of women together to celebrate their commitment to community?
Giving back to our online community
At WillPowders, we don’t just chat love for our Instagram and Facebook cheerleaders. Nope, we roll the red carpet out for them, have our very own chef cook for them and give them a sneak-peek at our upcoming products. Hell, if we could have had a ticker tape parade through the streets of Manchester, we would!
Having sent out some surprise invitations to members of our WillPowders community who are all stalwarts in their support of others on their WillPowders Way, we were delighted to gather a group of them for a thoroughly good and well-deserved spoiling above the rooftops of the city.

Getting trés cheffie with Dan Kirkham
Our in-house WillPowders Chef, Dan Kirkham, cooked up a low carb and keto storm to tantalise the taste buds. With delights such as Savoury Cheesecake with Balsamic Roasted Vegetables, Asian Inspired Chicken Thigh Skewers and Mango, Coriander and Prawn Salad, no one was left hungry. With information about how and why WillPowders products were used in each dish, and how this could benefit nutrition, everyone had new knowledge to add to their eating toolkits.
Not only did Dan whet the appetites of our ladies, but he wet their whistles, too. Dan took our group through mocktail recipes to elevate their WillPowders drinks game. Chin, chin, ladies!
If you’ve never met Dan, you can learn more about him here.
Chewing the Good Fat
If you’ve ever felt nervous attending an event at which you know no one, we get it. But, with a WillPowders Welcome, it doesn’t take long for strangers to become friends and the tribe to get chatting. Everyone brimmed with tales of how long they’d been a customer, how the products had made a significant difference to life, ride or die products that life can’t be lived without (lots of variation here - showing the versatility of our products to needs).
Our guests even revealed the contents of their handbags to let their powders show! It’s also safe to say that new friendships were formed. And, you bet, there was the swapping of a lot of tips and hacks!
If you know us at HQ at all, you’ll know we do like to respond to the tribe when it asks, after all, our Chocolate Orange Protein Powder made a permanent comeback as a result of customer feedback, so we asked our guests what they’d like to see next from us. Watch this space!

Can you keep a secret? Shhh! It’s new!
There’s probably no greater pleasure than keeping a little secret for a good friend. To the sound of oohs and ahhs, our ladies got to shake, shake, shake it with our Mixer. These ladies saw it here first! But, the cat’s no longer in the bag now, Sign up to get your mitts on one HERE.
And there may, or may not have been, a little bit of scent wafting and MCT ‘Pepsi-style’ challenge. We’re not at liberty to say …
WillPowders on the Inside
Who wouldn’t want to meet the WillPowders Team? Nothing wrong with a little speed dating to meet the glorious people who beaver away at HQ. They shared their WillPowders journeys and gave the inside track on their own valuable insights. It’s always nice to put a face to the name, right?
With loyal staff serving loyal customers, we certainly felt like a tremendous tribe. Long may that continue!

The Hows, The Whys, The Dos and The Don’ts when You Begin Your WillPowders Way!
So, you’ve made the decision to begin on your WillPowders Way, but where the Hell should start, what products do you need and what are they good for? For the...

How to Find Your WillPowders Way
Everybody’s WillPowders Way is different - it’s not a one shoe fits all kind of situation! Your WillPowders journey is a personal one between you and you alone. From wanting...