Mental Health and Mood
Biohacking Blog
Spice: A Turmeric and Curcumin Life Saver.
This is the tale of how misdiagnosis, inflammation and genes can turn your life upside down and how natural, holistic supplements like WillPowders’ Spice can change your life. Once upon...
The Best Protein Powder for Men
In the world of men’s fitness and nutrition, the quest for the perfect protein powder is a perpetual journey. For men seeking optimal results, the choice between plant-based or protein...
How WillPowders Protein Powder Saved Mine and My Son’s Life!
In the epic battle between parents and the insatiable appetites of their offspring, the quest for a healthy diet can seem like a Herculean task. Armed with broccoli and kale,...
Your Coffee, Unfiltered
Ah, coffee – the aromatic potion that transforms morning zombies into semi-functioning human beings. If you think your daily cup of joe is just a lifeline to consciousness, think again!...
Forming New Habits for Your Health Goals
The start of a new year signifies new beginnings and it is a chance to re-evaluate yourself, your goals and start afresh.
Rise and Shine: Love Your Liver
Do you live in a permanent state of being hungover from alcohol, food, pollution, cortisol spikes, cleaning products, medication, scented candles and everything else that the environment throws at us?
The Benefits of Cold Water Therapy
Cold water therapy is a hot topic at the moment. It is a super cool practice that has the potential to boost the immune system, improve circulation, kickstart a sluggish...
Why Can't I Sleep?
Serotonin or the ‘happy hormone’ - gimme, gimme, gimme! DT explains that serotonin starts off as Tryptophan which is essential for a child’s growth but also regulating our mood and...
Moody Weight Gain
Our mood impacts how we fuel our body; if we feel stressed, low or generally meh, the likelihood is we will reach for the food and drink that brings us...
SPICE up your Life with Turmeric for Inflammation, Pain & Brain Fog
Did you know that the secret to fighting inflammation might have been hiding in your kitchen cabinet all along?
Why Do I Feel So Low?
It’s okay to not be okay. In fact, it’s perfectly normal. Life aint no walk in the park, and it can often throw us curve balls which completely derail us...
Where is this Rage Coming From?
Ever wondered who the hell cut your fuse so short and why your buttons are so easily pressed?