Biohacking Blog
Biohacking Blog
Spice: A Turmeric and Curcumin Life Saver.
This is the tale of how misdiagnosis, inflammation and genes can turn your life upside down and how natural, holistic supplements like WillPowders’ Spice can change your life. Once upon...
Cracking the Keto Code: Keto as a Concept
If you’re anything like most women, you’ve probably spent the majority of your adult life avoiding fat like the plague, feeling guilty every time you have succumbed, filled your bowls...
The Best Protein Powder for Men
In the world of men’s fitness and nutrition, the quest for the perfect protein powder is a perpetual journey. For men seeking optimal results, the choice between plant-based or protein...
How WillPowders Protein Powder Saved Mine and My Son’s Life!
In the epic battle between parents and the insatiable appetites of their offspring, the quest for a healthy diet can seem like a Herculean task. Armed with broccoli and kale,...
Your Coffee, Unfiltered
Ah, coffee – the aromatic potion that transforms morning zombies into semi-functioning human beings. If you think your daily cup of joe is just a lifeline to consciousness, think again!...
The Croissant Pathway
Our review of the Hack Your Hormones chapter ‘Why Can’t I Stop Eating’ explains how our hunger hormones work together to sometimes totally trip us, repeatedly kick us when we’re...
Forming New Habits for Your Health Goals
The start of a new year signifies new beginnings and it is a chance to re-evaluate yourself, your goals and start afresh.
WillPowders Say Thank You with a Transformations Shoot
I was lucky enough to attend the WillPowders Transformations shoot in Manchester where I got to meet five incredible women who had previously shared their stories and journey to optimum...
How to Survive the Christmas Party Season, or any Party Season for that Matter.
'Tis the season and with it comes lots of parties, late nights, banquets and sometimes, a dreaded hangover, leaving you feeling run down, bad about yourself and in a low...
Protein and the Protein Powder Minefield
What is Protein and is it Important? Yes! Yes it is and unfortunately, it’s just one more nutrient to think about when you’re trying to support multiple life sources, including...
Rise and Shine: Love Your Liver
Do you live in a permanent state of being hungover from alcohol, food, pollution, cortisol spikes, cleaning products, medication, scented candles and everything else that the environment throws at us?
Big or Bad Pharma?
“Doctor, doctor, fix me, please!” You trust your GP because they’re the expert, the professional, the oracle of health. “Take these magic pills and you will feel better,” falls from the well...