Customer Stories
I started losing my hair when my son was born 15 years ago, unfortunately it didn’t grow back and continued to shed at a fast rate. I saw a specialist...
In a nutshell, I’ve switched from low fat to full fat which helps my satiety enormously and ditched the ‘diet’ drinks. I also have MCT Oil & Collagen in my...
In only three months, the gorgeous Natalie has lost 2 stone. She has embraced intermittent fasting and owes her success to her own sheer determination. As a veggie, she has...
Wow! Just Wow, Lyndsay! You look so amazing and we couldn't be more thrilled to have been part of your epic journey to feeling and looking like your best self....
Rachel is such an inspiration and her story is exactly why we do what we do at WillPowders. Rachel has taken back control with our Collagen, MCT Keto Powder, MCT...
‘There are so many times I felt frustrated with the slow weight loss, and I wasn’t keen on fasting at first, or being so fat/protein heavy! But now it’s a...
Rachel beamed ‘I am the happiest and healthiest I have ever been!’ as she sat down to chat. The look of glee on her face was completely infectious and I...
When I met the stunning and oh so glamorous Verena, I would never have guessed that she would have been someone who suffered from low mood in the past. She...
Gorgeous Cathy is a healthcare professional who believes in taking evidenced based products which is why she started her WillPowder’s journey. When I started chatting to Cathy, it was clear...
Chloe Bray
My journey with WillPowders basically started when my mum told me about this ‘magic’ thing she had started doing.
A Win for Nicky
My hair was starting to thin on top because of menopause; however, it is definitely thickening again nicely...
Lucynda Loves Calm
With so much information about how to bio hack your body, it can feel so overwhelming and confusing at times...