Mental Health and Mood
Customer Stories
Laura's Son
Laura's story is a special one. Not only is she reaping the benefits of the WillPowders Way, so is her gorgeous son who has special educational needs.
At the end of July, I’d had enough of feeling the way I did, so started my WillPowders journey by reading the books, It’s Not a Diet and Hack Your Hormones. I was mentally...
I have tried every fad diet and shake diet going and just got bigger and bigger, being 20 stone at my heaviest — feeling ill, lethargic, in pain, depressed, and...
With all previous diets, I have lost weight but also lost my periods had terrible hair and skin and no energy at all.
I had already lost a big chunk of weight, but I could barely string a sentence together because of brain fog. I began using WillPowders products to help me further...
I am calmer, clearer, healthier, lighter, and sober, and I know I would not be here if it weren’t for Davinia and WillPowders. It is so exciting to come home...
I sleep better, my skin is better, and more importantly, my mood is far better! I’m actually looking forward to seeing what I can achieve as I edge closer to...
I’m so grateful to be part of this journey and the amazing community that Davinia has built. Her hacks and WillPowders products have been life-changing.
In terms of mental health, these products have been a game-changer. I was at a point where my doctor suggested antidepressants to manage my out-of-control hormones, but I decided to...
From saying goodbye to brain fog and bloating to experiencing a reduction in chronic pain and not having a fibromyalgia flare, Hayley's energy has soared.
My journey with WillPowders has been nothing but transformative. My sister introduced me to the Protein Powder to begin with because I have suffered with digestive issues for a long time.
Natalie's Update
When I first shared my story, I had lost 2 stone. Now I have lost 4 stone 3 pounds and I’m finally at a good, healthy weight. My focus is...